Sorghum Syrup agar Part 2
(unmeasured sorghum so still don’t have a recipe)
Happy Sunday to all, just wanted to give a bit of an update on the sorghum agar testing and share some more representation of sorghum agar plates, please note these first batches I didn't measure the sorghum syrup (doing that in future batches to try to get to a stable recipe) so I don't have a recipe yet besides the fact that it has sorghum syrup (and yeast extract), as i was just trying to see if they liked the sorghum at all, which now I know they really do. Sorghum has def really picked my attention now for various reasons:
Mega clear agar vs LME - there is absolutely no contest on this department, this is as clear of an agar as it gets.
Really vigorous mycelium growth. Even varieties that were not loving LME, seem to love sorghum as nutrient, like it revitalized some of them real good.
Less sticky LME mess once you do the initial sorghum transfer from the bottle to a syrup dispenser.
Based on the feedback and comments and searching around: I'm trying diff ratios and with/without yeast, alongside with the standard LME recipe a lot of us use (7gs lme, 10g agar, 0.5g yeast, 500ml water).Will be trying (for 500ml):
15gs sorghum (no yeast)
15gs sorghum and 0.5gs yeast extract
8gs sorghum and 0.5gs yeast extract